Monday, March 15, 2010

Amelia - 2 months

We are so in love with this precious little one. I can hardly believe that two months ago today, less than two hours from the time I write this, Amelia was born in this very same room just feet away from where I sit. Now I look at her and no longer see a newborn. She has graduated to infant with her chubby cheeks and thunder thighs. Oh how I love all of her, every crease and roll. It has been a heavenly two months, rocking her, and holding her, and kissing her, and squeezing her.

The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
for children grow up, as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.


Ginger said...

She has a different look about her! I love it! I mean: she doesn't look like Sophie or Vivian to me.
What sweet eyes!!
Speaking of creases and rolls, when I change Julia's clothes, I call out: Naked baby! Everyone come look! hehe I just love her baby fat!

Edward and Gretchen said...

I know, I'm always asking Ed who she looks like. Can't decide who she resembles most. I think she looks most like Sophia's baby pics.

Kelly said...

She is so cute!!! You really got some great shots!! Glad you found the quote! I think I'm going to have to borrow it!

Jody said...

It is about time! I've been waiting so patiently to see more of this precious sweetie! I'm agreeing with Ginger that she's got her own look. I'd say Ed/Vivian's eyes, but I think she looks more like you, Gretchen. (If you don't count the chubby cheeks!)

So good to see her again! Please don't hold out on us so long next time!

Shipra Panosian said...

aww, what a sweet smile. I particularly like that third image. So cute. They make such funny little faces don't they? She looks like a red-head here to me.
Sigh, it really goes too fast.